My big toe is niggling. It isn’t really sore but it doesnt feel right. It is a bit tender if I press it and feels slightly swollen. It doesn’t stop me running, but it is uncomfortable and I am worried that it is altering my gait which in turn will lead to some biomechanical issues.
My toe issues are real, but they may well also be a metaphor for how I feel about my West Highland Way training. For various reasons I haven’t managed to do some of the training that I wanted to. I am still getting back to fitness after a few weeks down with the lurgy and I am worried that I am running out of time. The support network on Facebook is great but it can also be slightly intimidating as people post updates on their latest million mile mega long run which just fuels the fear of not having done enough. I am not alone, there is a good description of the ups and downs of WHW preparation over on the Beirut Taxi blog.
With only a little over a month to go I have only a couple of weeks training left to build more fitness and more confidence. If only my big toe would stop niggling……