Strive: verb to try very hard to do something or to make something happen, especially for a long time or against difficulties: I like the word Strive. I think it is so important, especially as we get older that we keep striving. Striving keeps us energised, relevant and ultimately alive. I have always been a striver, its in my nature. Even as a …
It is more or less 4 weeks since I ran the Madeira Island Ultra Trail which took me the best part of 30 hours. I still have a little numbness in my toes and the remnants of my blisters are still visible and finishing the healing process with new skin growing in. It doesn’t take …
I have been thinking a lot about motivation recently. I find running really difficult and many times not particularly pleasant experience, so why do I keep doing it. Motivation is one of the four legs which support the ultra running table upon which we dine – Motivation, Resilience, Training and Execution. Take away any one …
On a rainy Saturday morning we took a wee trip to Rowardennan. The West Highland passes through Rowardennan before heading off into the relative wilderness of the East side of Loch Lomond. After many years the “Low Road” has been cleared, the path upgraded and it is now open to walkers and runners once more. …
Ultras are usually quite complicated logistically. They are usually also longer and harder than you expect. Here a few questions to ask before you enter your next Ultra. I go through this list every time I want to enter a new race Where does it start? Do you actually know where that is? Are you …
I am lucky enough to have built up a good selection of ultra gear to mix and match which is versatile enough to do me for most types of races, so I no longer need to go on a shopping spree every time I enter a big race. My most used kit currently is Jacket: …
It has been a while since I have written something here, mainly because I didn’t really have too much to say. This year has been a bit of a write off on the running front, which is OK I guess as we can’t keep going further, higher, faster forever and sometimes life gets in the …
On a sunny day I took myself for a run on the section of the West Highland Way heading south from Tyndrum. This is the reverse of the way the route is normally travelled. On the way I tried out my new camera with some mixed results. The following clips are unedited, apart from the …
On a sunny day I took myself for a run on the section of the West Highland Way from Tyndrum to Beinglas Farm. This is the reverse of the way the route is normally travelled. On the way I tried out my new camera The infamous Cow Poo Alley was quite dry for a change …
I have been feeling poorly these last few days. Might have been man flu. Might have been jet lag, but running was either rubbish or didnt happen at all. I had a reasonably good November/December where I ran every day for 32 days and started to build mileage sensibly, and even though a Christmas day …