Inadvertantly Mooned Somehow, someone ended up on my blog today by searching the web for the phrase “inadvertantly mooned”. This is a tad surprising on two counts: first that someone would search for pages relating to inadvertant mooning and secondly that my blog contains that very phrase! Which is a slightly different start to tonight’s …
Month: August 2013
The best runners are patient There are no shortcuts Going further is easier than going faster To go further, slow down To go faster, carry less weight and try harder People get nicer the further you run To achieve a goal, follow the programme That runner over there has the same worries as you and …
A few months ago I took part in the 117th Boston Marathon. As everyone knows, the race was bombed. Helen and I were unharmed but a bit too close for comfort. After the race I wrote up my race report which was picked up by the icon of the running community that is Hal Higdon, …
Too many snakes I was nearly there. After patiently doing the rehab, I had built up gently running 1 mile, then 2 miles, then 3 miles. Saturday I ran/walked 9 leisurely miles and didnt feel any worse. Monday evening after work I set out to do 5 miles. The first 2 miles felt great, …
Thus spake the man who has just been doing intervals running on the spot on the trampette 🙂 For folks of a certain age, the trampette will be remembered as that little bouncy thing you jumped on in PE class before *vaulting elegantly/getting stuck halfway/ landing on your head ( *delete as appropriate) over the …