Too many snakes I was nearly there. After patiently doing the rehab, I had built up gently running 1 mile, then 2 miles, then 3 miles. Saturday I ran/walked 9 leisurely miles and didnt feel any worse. Monday evening after work I set out to do 5 miles. The first 2 miles felt great, …
Thus spake the man who has just been doing intervals running on the spot on the trampette 🙂 For folks of a certain age, the trampette will be remembered as that little bouncy thing you jumped on in PE class before *vaulting elegantly/getting stuck halfway/ landing on your head ( *delete as appropriate) over the …
That’s the thing about being a glass half empty sort of person – while running is not really an enjoyable experience, NOT running is an even worse experience. I am injured. Nothing serious, but bad enough that I am NOT running. My Achilles and its eponymous niggle has flared up again. I have had this …